Last week, Owen & I finally got our own place after numerous tries and numerous failures, we accomplished it. Everything was running smoothly, we weren't worried about roommates hearing anything or anyone barging in on us. Then, Monday I got an attitude. I don't know if it was stress from all the heat or finances or just needing a spanking, but I got mean. He was trying to wash the dishes, you know, doing something nice for me and I got up to see what he is doing and immediately start telling him that this is wrong and that is wrong and how could he think that it was clean. Granted he wasn't using a dish cloth, just his hand, but I didn't need to get huffy or tell him to just leave and I'll finish. Strike 1.Owen left to go fume and I finished up the dishes. I didn't apologize even when he came in to ask me how I'd like him to do the dishes and to tell me that he just didn't know. I did a while later in the car but not that second.
Then later, we were having trouble getting my license plate off my car. I know more about cars and tools than him because I grew up around it whereas he grew up around technology. He brought somethings that he thought would help get it off and I immediately set into him again, telling him those are not going to work and I wasn't entirely sure why he thought they would. Not very nice, right? Then, adding insult to injury, just took the tools inside. Strike 2.
Owen isn't very good with talking about his emotions so we were driving around doing some errands and I asked him if he was still mad (I had realized now what a bitch I was being and had apologized) and he said he was still upset. I understood. I asked him if he would feel better if he would spank me and, of course, the next word out of his mouth was "Yes". Strike 3.
Needless to say that when we got back to the apartment I got spanked. Now, I wasn't sure at first if it was for play or for punishment (he doesn't like to talk about things) but he told me after it was for punishment. He did it in two parts. The first was with his hand. It hurt like hell. After he was done, he said, "That was for earlier We're even." But then he got to thinking about and we started talking about it and we both knew it wasn't enough. I was soon kneeling on a chair and ottoman (after he told me SEVERAL times to do it) and was getting spanked with the dreaded bath brush... I hate that thing. He felt immensely better afterward and I did but didn't. I felt like it should have had more boundaries so that way I knew for sure it was a punishment and that I knew why I was getting spanked.
How do most people do these types of spankings? Do you have set rules or a special implement? Is this how most people play it out?
Granted, we are fairly new to the actual punishment part, so I guess, we are feeling each other out but I would LOVE some advice.