
Kids say the darndest things...

When I was out shopping yesterday I heard something that made me want to reveal that I was a fellow spanko...

There was a little boy and his mother checking out in front of me. They had a huge pile of items on the cashwrap and the mother kept biting her lip as her total got bigger and bigger. She starts going through her wallet, counting her cash, seeing that she doesn't have enough, she searches for a credit card. She pulls it out and continues fidgetting with it. Her eyes keep getting bigger and bigger as the number keeps rising.

Her son, who had been playing with his handheld, looks up at his mom and says "Didn't Daddy say you had to use cash today, no more credit cards?"

"Hush son. I know what I'm doing..." She said with a definite tremor to her voice.

The cashier announces the total as "158.62" and I thought the woman was going to faint. The cashier, noticing the same thing, asks very politely if she wants to put anything back. This doesn't sit well with the mother. She then said, "No, I do not need to put anything back. I am allowed to use my card no matter what my son might've said." And swipes the card. (Pretty dang rude if you ask me)

The son lets out a low whistle and says "Daddy is going to be mad..."

"Well, how about you give him the bill first and that way he can get mad at you instead of me?"

"No way!! I don't want to get in trouble. I'm going to tell him that you spent too much and then I'm going to tell Daddy to spank you!"

The mother went red in the face! And looked at her son as if she was going to strangle him. She very quitely whispered in his ear... "You are not supposed to mention anything about mommy getting spanked to anyone. I've already told you that."

And he loudly replies, "But Daddy says if he doesn't spank you, you'll never learn!!"

Sure wouldn't of wanted to be in her shoes when she got home...


  1. OMG - reallY? You were in the right place at the right time for that one. but wouldn't you want to crawl under the checkout counter if you were in that woman's shoes?

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. I know! I couldn't help but blush for the woman. She walked out with her head down and dragging her child out of the store. The cashier looked at me like she wasn't sure if that had just happened.

    Ty :)

  3. Oh, to have been there! Such a priceless moment. I would have been blushing right alongside her, too. I can't even imagine...

    Thanks for sharing!

